You can help by sending your tax-deductible donation to the Katrina Victims Health Club Exercise Fund. Their old clubs have been flooded, and they have no place to exercise. This is a national disgrace. Bush is killing these people.
Please Help.
Send your donation.
This is so NOT FUNNY on so many levels.
i love the racial balance portrayed herein.
good to know my donations went to a few happy meals
hehehehehee, it is very funny! I'm not an american and even if I were I would not to be proud that I'm american because of maggots like these on the pictures just came from the nearest McDonalds restroom :)))))
This is not funny.It's rude and very mean.
Hi! You have been nominated for the Least Funny "Humorous" Blog on the Internet Award 2006! Hi, my name's Hellman. I'm an attention-seeker. I need you to visit my blog immediately and leave lots of comments. That way, I'll convince myself I have friends. So come on, hurry up.
That's not funny. Those poor people might get fat from eating rich yankee food.
Very funny, if we cant make light of stuff we'd all be slitting our wrists..........
Holy... She's almost small when you look at him.
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You can't please all of the people all of the time... so I suggest you just please yourself.
I'll be paying you another visit soon.
I admire their non-chalant looks.. their eyes say "do ya think I'm sexy"
Not even remotely funny. You should be ashamed of yourself. It's one thing to make fun of fat people, but making light of a natural disaster is utterly tasteless. One word for you: karma.
that's pretty offensive and you are just showing the world how racist america really is.
why do i find this unfunny and slightly racist?
oh, probably because it is
Man you guys need to lighten up. Its called irony.
I live in Houston and we've been hosting the Katrina evacuees for far too long. A few weeks into the mass infux our crime rate spiked, we have fights all the time in our schools between New Orleansians and Houstonians.
We had evacuees DEMANDING discounts at places like Wal-Mart, Jack in the Box, etc. We gave out ATM cards with a 2000.00 credit for them to find housing and food and they spent it on booze, drugs, topless bars, electronics and guns.
They have been living rent free in our apartment complexes for the past 5-6 months and still want more.
Sorry about the rant, to all you other posters - geez man, take a joke already...
you're joking, right?
uhh, kinda spoils casual friday for everbody doesn't it?
Da shelia on da left, not bad lookin' oi moites!
If you think this situation is funny, maybe I can arrange for this guy to sit on you..
job said...
Not very nice, and odds are, the people pictured aren't in New Orleans.
Sunday, February 19, 2006 2:10:03 PM
No kidding. Of course they're not in N.O. They're mooching off of taxpayers in several other cities, spending their handouts on booze and electronics. The pics don't make fun of a hurricane, they make fun of the people who are abusing your (and my) money. If you rely on the government to look after your every need, you deserve to be poked fun at. All of the "that's not nice" crap is almost as funny as the pics. And tossing the race card out there is predictable, and silly. I know, I know, it's all Bush's fault right? Hehehehe, keep going, give me some more comic relief.
You dead on Jarhead John, race comes in where? There's a black women and a white man. Do I have to add in a white women and a black man? The Observer comment points it out as well these guys are buying booze, drugs, electronics and other unecessary items. People are living rent free!
Also one of the funny parts of this blog is in fact the comments and the people's reactions.
I wonder if you are being a disdainful racist towards your own people, how would you react towards the rest of the world!!! Mocking others' defects is not a civilized, decent or noble manner. Can you imaginge these people seeing their pics in your blog and reading the comments of those saying "oh, funny funny"? I hope you'd think twice before publishing what is not your right to!
Mayada - from Egypt
I read your comments people are leaving and you seem to be getting done what you set out to do.
The worst thing about it... Is that it have some true on it.
Why ask for donations for the victims, when all that you need to do is stop that stupid war and all the money that you need you will have.
Dat Fat guy looks soooo funnnny!! !
(But I still thinks shes kinda cute!)
Everyone in the stands is a referee until they dawn the stripes and step onto the court.
you have a very very weird sense of humor.
Where you implying that obese people are a national disgrace? How dare you!
And making fun out of the Katrina disaster with obese people is just not funny. Not even worth a teensy smirk.
About obese people, what the hell is so funny about them? They are humans just like you yourself ( but perhaps with a higher E.Q), with just extra fats strapped onto them.
"Bush is killing them". Are you implying that obese people aren't worth living at all?
I may be the only one overreacting and getting the wrong idea here, but one thing for sure is that if you laugh at a person just becoz of their size then you have a sick sense of humor here.
You should be making fun at brainless people instead of fat people.
On a happier note, you are not a racist since there's a white guy there.
I rest my case.
Heheheheh.. I love it! Fat, thin, whatever - we gotta laugh at ourselves! I'm a skinny runt and sometimes this hurts me - but shit, I can laugh too. Keep up the funnies and the fatties!
I sent in a small donation through the Red Cross. I can't laugh with you on the fat pics because that's where I'm at. I only laugh at myself. I think the condition of N/O after all of this time is appaulling. I feel bad for all that were affected. You have a sense of humor and humor is a good thing. I hope you channel it well. Bless you.
First of all, I love your blog, and your sense of humor.
I beg all people to stop and think about they are going to say about this post, is it really that offensive? I'm fat, and in find it hilarious! Why? Because I'm not busy trying to find another excuse to call people racist or offensive. Lighten up, Jeez, it's only a post, you don't find it funny? Don't laugh, but don't try to deny that right from someone else.
Is it tasteful? hell no, but it is still funny; it makes fun of how you people think, by saying that Bush is killing them, he implies that being fat is in fact a desease (look it up, smart-asses) and Bush is not giving them tools (excercice) to be cured from such desease.
By saying that this post is racist, or has anything to do with discriminating people, you imply that THERE IS a reson to discriminate fat people; If you do not find it offensive, it's because you know there is no difference between races or weight, people are people, period.
You're just trying to find excuses to call people offensive. I'm mexican, and I call myself a wetback, even though I've never been to the U.S. It bothers me that people get pissed about other people calling mexicans "wetbacks", the real racists are the ones that try to censor other people, because they think they know what is offensive and what isn't.
I don't like white people saying that calling an "african-american", "black" is racist, when in fact, they aren't "african-american" themselves; how could they possibly know if the word is offensive to "african-american" people?
I'm a wetback, and I'm proud of it, I'm fat and I'm proud of it; that's why I don't mind people calling me either a wetback, or fat.
OMG she is sooo HOT !!!
I would like to have errr relations with her!
It's funny that I knew there would be cries of "racism!" from wishy-washy liberals before I even scrolled through the comments.
Being morbidly obese is not wrong if it's down to genes. Being morbidly obese (for whatever reason) and exposing rolls of fat by wearing a crop-top and cut-off jean-shorts *is* wrong.
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